Menstrual Cups

Unleash Your Crimson Wave with Elegance: Explore, Play, Rejuvenate.


4 Items Menstrual Cups

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  1. Blue Moon Kit
  2. Confident Blue Menstrual Kit
  3. Irisana Menstrual Relief

4 Items Menstrual Cups

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Tired of your monthly "friend" visiting only to leave you with discomfort? Loviux has the solution with a revolution that will have you saying goodbye to inconvenience and hello to freedom! Welcome to the wonderful world of Menstrual and Vaginal Cups, where comfort meets personal care in a symphony of benefits that'll have you dancing with joy, even on those days. At Loviux, we understand that every body is a unique universe deserving of utmost care and attention. That's why we introduce a selection of menstrual cups specially designed to make you feel comfortable, secure, and free, no matter what the day (or night) brings. And for those adventurers seeking new sensations, our vaginal cups are the ticket to a world of pleasures waiting to be discovered. Get ready for an intimate adventure in search of your well-being's hidden treasure!

A Comfortable and Sustainable Revolution

To say menstrual cups have changed the game is an understatement. Imagine forgetting about emergency runs to the bathroom, checking your chair when you stand up, or carrying an arsenal of just-in-case products. With our cups, those days are history. Plus, you'll be doing the planet a favor by reducing your ecological footprint. Who said being eco-friendly and chic at the same time wasn't possible?

Pleasure and Intimate Knowledge

And for the brave souls looking to go further, vaginal cups are the new horizon. Designed to explore and enhance feminine pleasure, these little wonders invite you to get to know your body like never before. Who knew the path to self-discovery could be so fun? Loviux offers you a discovery journey where pleasure is your guide, and satisfaction is your destination.

Variety for Every Taste

  • Menstrual Cups: Available in different sizes and materials to perfectly fit your body and lifestyle. Whether you prefer something flexible and soft or firm for a secure fit, we've got it.
  • Vaginal Cups: Explore our range of textures and shapes designed to stimulate and delight, elevating your intimate experience to new levels of pleasure.

Why Choose Loviux?

Because we understand talking about menstrual and vaginal cups doesn't have to be taboo or boring. Here at Loviux, we make purchasing these products a fun, informative, and, above all, empowering experience. Our team is always ready to advise you and ensure you find the perfect cup for you, transforming what was once a necessity into an act of self-love.

Join the Revolution

Ready to say goodbye to old habits and hello to a new era of comfort and pleasure? Explore our selection of menstrual and vaginal cups and discover why so many women have made the switch. Whether you're seeking comfort, sustainability, pleasure exploration, or all of the above, Loviux is your destination. Don't wait any longer; join the revolution today! Remember, at Loviux, your well-being and pleasure are our passion. Let us guide you on this journey of discovery and personal care. Because you're worth it, and so is your body. Explore, enjoy, and love with Loviux! And don't forget, the fun is more intense when you feel safe and comfortable. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the exciting world of Loviux's menstrual and vaginal cups and transform your intimate experience into something extraordinary. Your adventure starts here! Welcome to a universe where comfort and pleasure unite in a wild dance, the stellar space of Loviux dedicated to Menstrual and Vaginal Cups! Here, in this cosmic corner of femininity, we give a fun and spicy twist to what was once taboo. Are you ready to explore the galaxies of self-care and intimate delight? Well, buckle up, because this journey will be thrilling!

FAQs: Everything You Need to Know about Menstrual and Vaginal Cups

Before we dive into the stars, let's take a tour through the solar system of frequently asked questions. Here, each question is a planet to discover, filled with information that will guide you on this adventure toward inner knowledge and infinite pleasure.

How do you use these products?

Using menstrual cups is easier than navigating through a known constellation. Simply fold them to insert into the vagina, where they'll gently open to create a comfortable and secure seal. These cosmic guardians will collect your flow uninterrupted for up to 12 hours. Then, just remove it, empty it, wash it, and voilà! You're ready to continue exploring the universe. The vaginal cups, designed to discover new dimensions of pleasure, are used by gently inserting them into the vagina before intimate encounters. They act as messengers of pleasure, enhancing sensations and preparing you for a stellar journey towards orgasm.

What are their specific purposes?

Menstrual cups are the perfect allies in your menstrual odyssey, offering you a comfortable, safe, and eco-friendly alternative to disposable products. They're like small but powerful spaceships, designed to protect you and make you feel free even on the heaviest flow days. Vaginal cups, on the other hand, are like telescopes that amplify the stars, designed to explore the confines of pleasure. They serve to intensify sensations during intercourse, ensuring every encounter is a memorable expedition towards celestial pleasure.

What makes them different from other products?

What distinguishes Loviux's menstrual and vaginal cups from any other artifact in the market is their ability to turn the mundane into an extraordinary experience. They're not just products; they're passports to a journey of self-discovery, comfort, and pleasure. Plus, by choosing our cups, you join the mission to care for the planet, reducing waste and living a more sustainable life.

Are they comfortable? How do I choose my size?

Imagine floating in the zero gravity of space, free and unrestricted. That's what using our cups feels like. To ensure this experience is perfect for you, we offer a variety of sizes based on factors such as your flow, age, and whether you've given birth vaginally. Our team of stellar navigators at Loviux is ready to guide you in selecting the ideal size, ensuring a fit so comfortable you'll forget it's there.

Can I use a menstrual cup if I'm a virgin?

Absolutely. Our menstrual cups are like little space probes designed to adapt to your body, regardless of your sexual history. The key is to choose the right size and proceed with care and confidence, listening to your body at every step of the journey.

Is it safe to sleep with them?

Sleeping with a Loviux menstrual cup is as safe as floating in a well-secured spaceship. It protects you throughout the night, allowing you to rest in complete cosmic tranquility. Just remember to change it right before bedtime and again upon awakening to ensure stellar protection.

How do I know when it's time to change my cup?

Your body will send you signals, just like a satellite transmits data to Earth. The frequency of change depends on your flow, but generally, menstrual cups can be used for up to 12 hours. Listen to your body and you'll soon learn to recognize the ideal moments for each change. In the odyssey of life, Menstrual and Vaginal Cups from Loviux are your travel companions, ready to take you to explore galaxies of comfort and pleasure. Join this cosmic adventure and transform your intimate experience into something truly extraordinary! Remember, the exploration of intimate space is a journey as vast and exciting as the universe itself. With Loviux, every day is an opportunity to discover something new about yourself and enjoy the greatness of being a woman. Embark on this cosmic journey and let the stars guide you towards infinite pleasure and well-being!